When it comes to having the most options for industrial solutions within your facility, telescoping strut framing is the way to go. Most traditional strut products include three-sided tubing, without a lot of customization.
But Flex-Strut’s telescoping strut framing channel brings infinitely more options.
The telescoping framing channel system allows a 3-hole channel the ability to slide inside a piece of three-sided strut framing. This telescoping system gives you the opportunity to adjust the strut framing to your specific needs.
Our FTS-200H3 telescoping strut framing channel system is available in 12-gauge galvanized steel and hole diameters of 9/16 inches.
This telescoping strut framing channel system can also be used with the numerous strut nuts, pipe piers, strut framing channel system pieces, and other strut options and fittings to completely install your industrial building systems.
For more information on Flex-Strut’s telescoping framing channel system by Steinco Industrial Solutions, contact us today to see how this system can help you.
We offer cut to length strut, pre-assembly of the strut, and even offer installation of any one of Steinco’s Industrial Solutions products lines. We have qualified strut contractors ready to complete your strut work in a timely and efficient manner, including onsite welding and fabrication.