Cleanroom systems lead the way in creating high-quality modular environments. Whether your requirements call for humidity/temperature control or airborne particulate cleanliness, we will design and engineer a modular building the will meet your needs. We take you from concept to completion at a substantial savings over conventional construction.

Ebtech uses movable, expandable and relocatable wall panels that provide you with maximum flexibility and fast installation. Panels come in your choice of colors, surfaces and cores, all designed to meet building codes and federal standards.

The Ebtech wall system uses extruded aluminum framing that is painted with polyurethane enamel to a glossy finish. These provide an air-tight seal for a dust-free environment.

Ebtech Modular Cleanrooms

  • Flexible design
  • Exceptionally high-quality components
  • Fast project completion time
  • Extremely cost-effective

Ebtech engineers design cleanrooms for all types of conditions, including but not limited to:

  • Recirculating or once-thru airflow
  • Positive and/or negative air pressure
  • Vertical or horizontal unidirectional airflow
  • Humidity/temperature control

Ebtech provides clean rooms for the following industries:

  • Electronics
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Food processing
  • Manufacturing (light & heavy)
  • Biotechnology
  • Aerospace
  • Medical