The “composite core” is what’s at the heart of your walls. Ebtech offers multiple composite core technologies to fit your specific needs. From economical or green housing material to ultra-lightweight, High R Value or impact resistance – we’ve got the core for your project.

Affordable, Lightweight Core

EB-EPS-S panels are built around a recylable Expanded PolyStyrene (EPS) inner core bonded between sheets of structurally rated Oriented Strand Board. These panels are structural, so there is usually no need for a framework of wood or steel studs.

Panels create a continuous whole-wall system that is stronger than traditional framing methods, thus eliminating substantially thermal bridging, breaks, or air infiltration, protecting against wind loads and insects as well as enhancing earthquake resistance. These panels provide more than TWO times the strength of stick wall construction and they cut framing time by over 65%.

These panel cores offer superior strength, thermal performance, and ease of installation, as well as finish-ready exterior and interior surfaces. EB-EPS-S panels are an ideal component for most low-rise commercial LEED and Green building projects. Panel thicknesses vary between 4-1/2” to 12-1/4” and are available up to 4 feet wide and 24 feet long.

Ultralight, Honeycomb Core

EB-HC panels are comprised of a reinforced thermoplastic skin and a polypropylene honeycomb core. They’re designed to be modified to customer specifications and sandwich configurations. The panels can also be hardened against ballistic, blast, RFI and EMI threats as well as customized for additional protection against fire, explosion, corrosion and other wear combinations.

These structural composite cores are durable, ultra-light, extremely strong, 100% environmentally friendly, and highly resistant to fatigue, moisture, corrosion and other environmental and chemical influences.

EB-HC panels are available in sizes up to 4 feet wide and 50 feet tall. A 0.59” thick, 4’ x 8’ panel weighs only 25.6 lb; a 2.08” thick, 4’ x 8’ panel weights only 45 lb.

Strong, Insulated Core

Ebtech EB-PUF panels are comprised of a rigid polyurethane foam insulating material. Standard insulation is foamed in place non-CFC UL class 1 rated urethane foam, which is bonded between sheets of structurally rated Oriented Strand Board (OSB). These composite cores offer superior strength, thermal performance, and ease of installation.

EB-PUF panels are structural, so there is usually no need for a framework of wood or steel studs. EB-PUF panels create a continuous whole-wall system with virtually no thermal bridging, breaks or air filtration that are present with wood or steel enclosure systems. EB-PUF panels are an ideal component for most low-rise commercial LEED and Green building projects. Panels are engineered to be thermally stable and can reduce heating and cooling costs significantly.

Mil-Tough™ ICB Panel
Blast and Ballistic Protection

In partnership with PPG Industries, Ebtech has developed top-level in protective and hardened panels and shielded structures. Ebtech Blast and Ballistic Panels provide customizable protective building or physical asset protection systems that offer multiple levels of GSA/NIJ threat-rated blast and ballistic protection and can be designed to customer specifications and sandwich configurations.

Ebtech can provide customizable protective building or physical asset protection systems that offer multiple levels of blast and ballistic protection for a variety of structural applications. 

Classic & Premiere
Our Original Composite Cores

Classic and Premiere panels are built around Recylable Expanded PolyStyrene (EPS) inner cores bonded to either Gypsum or Hardboard. These panels are ideal for many interior and/or exterior applications.